The unsuspected powers of maple

Les pouvoirs insoupçonnés de l’érable

Omnipresent in the Quebec landscape, the sugar maple is particularly beautiful at the beginning of fall when it puts on its red hairstyle. Did you know that it is also your hair's beauty ally, particularly during the changing seasons and the arrival of cold weather?

If maple sap (acer saccharum) has been used for centuries for its many benefits, recent studies have advanced the anti-cancer properties of this unique ingredient. In recent years, its qualities have also given it a place of choice in the development of health and beauty products.

A true natural shield, sap protects the maple, allowing it to resist environmental and climatic assaults. We discovered that it provides the same protection to the hair fiber! Rich in minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium), vitamins and antioxidants, maple sap is used for its soothing, strengthening and restorative properties. The nutrients and organic acids it contains cause a light enzymatic exfoliation which enhances the hair, protects it from dehydration and makes it shine.

Discover the high-end Lasève products, infused with organic Quebec maple water here.

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