

You probably already know, we love spring! The maple trees are flowing, the days are getting longer, the snow is melting and... it's the return of our friend Mimi to Quebec! Fortunately, with her blog, we feel like we have her close to us all year round. Among other things, you can find healthy recipes that the whole family will enjoy. Meet a girl with contagious energy.

Could you introduce yourself?
My name is Myriam, I am originally from Quebec, but I now live in Boca Raton, Florida. I live there with my daughter and my husband. I am passionate about travel, healthy lifestyle habits and everything related to well-being.

The place where you feel best
In nature. Mountain, beach, forest, lake…nature gives me a lot of energy!

3 things you carry everywhere
My cell phone, my Corkcycle water bottle and my Bare shimmer gloss from Beautycounter.

A place you would like to visit
South Africa to meet the BIG FIVE!

Your best travel memory
I have so many, it's hard to say, all my trips are great memories!

A book to recommend
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom.

Your greatest success

My daughter Mila.

Your favorite sports
I rather like working out. Spinning (Peloton), barre, weight training, but I love hiking and, when possible, playing tennis!

What makes you happy
Being with the 3 people I love most in the world: my daughter, my husband and my mother!

Your beauty ritual
I talk about it on my blog:

The best beauty advice you received/discovered
Sleep well, drink plenty of water and protect my skin from the sun!

The last thing you do before bed
I kiss my 2 dogs, Leo and Ben (who sleep with me in my bed…lol)

What we can wish you
Health and abundance!

Your news
I truly believe that our lifestyle is naturally linked to our physical and emotional health. Eating well, taking care of our body, our heart and our soul, means adopting a healthy lifestyle to simply live better! 2 years ago, I decided to write a blog on the subject, SUNNYMIMI.COM . I wanted to share my daily life, my discoveries and my favorites in my quest towards a healthier and more balanced life. I invite you to follow me and get inspired!

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