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If chef Arnaud Marchand can give free rein to his culinary talent, it is undoubtedly thanks to Sophie, his wife and business partner. We are happy to introduce you to a passionate entrepreneur, devoted mother, inspiring woman and precious friend. Encounter.
Could you introduce yourself?
Almost 40 years old...
Mother of 3 boys, married for almost 15 years.
I have worked in the hotel industry since I was 17 years old. I actually met my husband in a hotel where we worked together in the Alps in France. My ambition was to become a hotel manager, and finally, in 2011, we had our first business proposal: opening Chez Boulay in 2012. Since then, the projects have been rolling out.
The first thing you do when you wake up
Drink a good coffee, and then my beauty routine.
The place where you feel best
Nothing like being at home with family.
3 things you carry everywhere
Lipstick (when we are not wearing a mask :P)
I really like having a handbag to complement my style
My cell… unfortunately, because work requires.
A place you would like to visit
New Zealand!
Your best travel memory
Corsica was the first time I took a plane. I went there for my end-of-study internships. I was staying there for 6 months. I loved the island so much! The beaches, the mountains… Everything was so beautiful!
The song that puts you in a good mood
Music in general makes me happy. When I'm on leave at home, music is always omnipresent.
A book to recommend
With the pandemic, I got back into reading. It must have been 10 years since I last read it. A friend introduced me to an author: Joël Dicker. I really like his style. Currently, I'm reading The Disappearance of Stephanie Mailer .
Your greatest success
My family, of course.
Your favorite sports
Currently, CrossFit. I do it 3 to 5 times a week.
What makes you happy
Lots of things: coffee, a good book, my friends, quality time with family.
Your beauty ritual
I love my mornings taking care of my face. Applying cream and putting on makeup is a little joy for me.
The best beauty advice you received/discovered
Remove makeup every night, which I don't always do, though:\
The last thing you do before bed
Telling my husband that I love him (a little cheeze...)
What we can wish you
To pursue my dreams.
Your news:
Chez Boulay-bistro boréa l
At Boulay-comptoir boréal
And recently in real estate.